My sister became a fervent disciple of this cult or whatever it is termed, back around 1970 or so. She had been a nun in the Ursiline order not many years before that. We could look into the sequence of events which helped lead to her belief in the beliefs of Eckankar, but see no real purpose in that. Rather I prefer to look directly into the PROBLEM OF BELIEFS.
We hear statements with great regularity pertaining to beliefs which touch on religion or to matters outside the grasp of science, taken in the usual way. "Oh I believe all religions are equal... "I believe God is big enough to love everyone..."I believe a,b,c about God and truth..."I believe x,y z about the world and evolution.
Now when it pertains to matters of finance, real estate, a good doctor to recommend there is much desire for expert advice , or true knowledge, from someone who shows evidence of knowing. People go to the Internet and seek facts and knowledge regarding the science of gardening, growing trees, bees and beehives. Expert advice is sought - at least relatively. Woe to those quacks who claim to have knowledge and expert advice and lead one astray. All sciences have rather strict procedures by which that particular science builds a body of doctrine or truths in regard to the subjet under consideration. The method overall is called the scientific method.
Yet when it comes to truths which really matter, such as FOR WHAT PURPOSE DOES MANKIND EXIST...HOW DID THE WORLD AND MANKIND COME INTO EXISTENCE...DOES GOD EXIST... WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I has become sufficient to say it does not matter. Anyone may choose what they want to believe, without consequences. Thus there often exists TOTAL FREEDOM OF RELIGION , TOTAL FREEDOM OF BELIEF.
As I emailed my sister, I cannot deny that everyone has equal freedom (physical) to believe as they will. However belief and truth have absolutely no necessary connection. Our beliefs do not make or control reality or truth - God alone has that power for as He thinks, so is reality, so is truth. Truth in man's intellect comes about by conformity to external being, to external reality.
The number of organized religions remains, it seems, not above thousands. The number of Protestant Denominations, seems to be over 10,000 (World Christian Encyclopedia states the number as 33,820). For our discussion here we will say they are one or a few religions, but for the most part the one religion - Christianity. On the other hand this point of lumping these Protestant Denomination into one religion, in no way subtracts from the problem of FREEDOM OF BELIEF, and FREEDOM OF RELIGION. There is one Christ or one true religion set forth by Jesus Christ, and yet within Protestantism there exists division upon division. Anyway, the next point is the important one to this discussion and that point is that there exist millions of beliefs on matters pertaining to religion. The number of beliefs is limited only by the number of minds which exist, and so have the power to believe. Potentially there can be as many beliefs as different combinations of individual religious ideas or teachings.
I.. Does it matter what one believes in matters of religion, and if so to what extent?
II. Can truth about God and what relates to God, be known with absolute certitude?
III. Was there this problem in the past and if not how did it come about?
IV. How can the problem be fixed?
In order to treat this question to some degree of depth, we need first of all to be clear on WHAT IS BELIEF!. And the term belief, since it is a form of, or a means to acquire knowledge, needs the latter term closely examined. And so the question heading this paragraph and discussion can be restated : IS KNOWLEDGE IMPORTANT IN LIFE -ESPECIALLY REGARDING RELIGION? Does it matter if one has true knowledge or false knowledge or erroneous knowledge. First of all we direct this question to life in general, and then to questions pertaining to religion or the deeper questions of life.
Saint Thomas Aquinas tells us that animals have knowledge. We of course know that animals do not believe (or do we - in today's world I am not so sure), and so have a different form of knowledge then mankind. This knowledge in animals is called sense knowledge or knowledge obtained through the senses. This knowledge feeds what St. Thomas terms the sensitive appetite or the faculty which desires the object known and so moves the animal to action to acquire the object - if the object is sensed as good or desirable. Without knowledge that a deer is here and now present, and desirable for eating, the lion will not proceed to pursue the deer. Thus knowledge is very important in the life of the lion. With animals we know, or can come to know, that instinct plays a big role so that much knowledge in nature is really God's knowledge moving creatures to their proper goods or their proper goals or ends. Tremendous intelligence exists behind the movements of the bees in a beehive, we can deduce, for very involved and complex well organized activity occurs to bring about the final product of HONEY. On the other hand we know that the CHIEF OF COMMAND BEE, does not call a meeting each morning to organize all the worker bees for the day's activity.
And so knowledge in nature is very important, but it exists in a lower form then intellectual knowledge (to be treated), and it exists in nature according to the needs and ends of each creature. Plants have no knowledge, but they pursue ordered and reasonable goals. Thus they must be moved by knowledge through an external source and through their form, or what St. Thomas would call a plant soul or form. The acorn has its own very specific acorn form or acorn soul. How else could a tiny acorn grow into a GIANT OAK TREE. Of course it could be moved directly by God, but the evidence proves otherwise.
Animals do not have the higher powers which exist in mankind. The two primary powers are termed Intellect and Will. These powers must exist in something or some nature, and must be in the substantial form which gives life to a man. This is termed the soul or the Intellectual Soul. The intellect or mind is a spiritual (or non-material) power, for it produces spiritual or non-material functions or effects. Ideas or thoughts are not material and so are spiritual and so cannot be produced by a material power. Thus ideas cannot be produced by the brain. By this we mean BY THE BRAIN ALONE. On the other hand,it is most certain that the intellect or mind uses the brain to function, as Saint Thomas tells us, as does experience and common sense if we examine the process and terms closely. Now although mankind has an intellectual soul and powers above the animals, man also has the powers which animals have or sensitive powers (also the powers which plants have, namely nutrition and generation).
Intellect and will exist as two highly coordinated powers, by which a person guides all his/her actions. The will is referred to by St. Thomas as the Intellectual Appetite, or the power which desires or drives toward the good or goal, as known via the intellect. But only if the will sees the object presented by the intellect as good or sufficiently good to pursue it, will there indeed be action to pursue the good. The will itself is blind and has no goods or goals to pursue unless knowledge via the intellect is presented. We can well see that the will needs true knowledge and not erroneous knowledge and not absence of that knowledge which is very necessary or just advantageous. Thus knowledge and good and true knowledge is very important in the life of a human being. Animals as we have seen are very much moved by instinct, whereas humans are mostly self-driven. They have free-will and powers to be self-directed. Of course like every thing which is finite, limitations exist.
Thus the whole purpose of the above is to show that KNOWLEDGE AND TRUE AND GOOD KNOWLEDGE IS VERY IMPORTANT in life and at every moment of life.
[SOME POINTS REGARDING THE MIND OR INTELLECT : An animal cannot think, for by thinking we mean the use of the power of the intellect or mind- which power animals do not possess. And so a lion is never tried in a court of law for the 'murder' of the man who he attacked and devoured. The mind does not get tired and does not grow old or senile, since it is a spiritual faculty. It is indeed true to say a person gets tires or senile, but this is totally due to matter or the body. The mind or intellect uses the brain and the senses or sense powers to obtain its knowledge. At times thinking or studying can be quite tiring, but this is because it calls for effort and strength via the body. The more relaxed is the body, the less problem their is with getting tired, however difficult mental questions require real effort. And the mind or intellect of each person comes into existence as a blank tablet. ]
This division of acquiring knowledge is according to direct personal verification by the mind on the one hand, or by knowledge received and accepted from another source upon whom we trust. In the first case we say that one knows directly and the second case one knows by faith. The faith is in the testimony of another person or persons. Direct knowledge includes things like : it rained today in Houston, Texas for I was there for a conference, I bought a watermelon at Safeway and it was delicious. I ate three big slices. John Smith robbed the bank in my hometown last week and scared me badly. I saw him pull the gun on the teller. Twenty five times twenty five equals 625 for I triple checked it.
Knowledge by faith on the other hand is not directly verified in one's mind. A small child may know by faith in his mommy that 25 times 25 equals 625, having a good memory, but not having learned multiplication. Upon learning to multiply and actually performing this multiplication, he learns direct knowledge of this. Students learn by faith that Columbus discovered America in 1492. Most knowledge today is held by faith via T.V. news, newspapers , books etc.
Here we divide faith by reference to the person revealing the account or story or history or statement etc. And so human faith is faith in another human as a reliable witness or relater of whatever has been related or revealed and held as true. If we think the person is a liar or untrustworthy we refuse to accept his/her account and so might hold no new knowledge by faith, although on the other hand we may hold knowledge as related but held in doubt (doubtful knowledge). In fact much knowledge is doubtful knowledge, but to get into the degrees of certainty can be done elsewhere. Holding knowledge by Divine Faith then would be accepting as true something revealed by God, because we believe God has indeed revealed it and we know or trust that God cannot deceive.
It is common sense that if John Smith and God each relate to us a piece of information, or piece of history, or an event etc., that my trust (or faith) in God's piece of information excceds my trust (or faith) in John's piece of information. John just might have made a slight error or two.
Thus it is common sense that divine faith is far more trustworthy then human faith. Why then is the reverse true in the real world or society today. Why is there quickness (usually) to accept as true the newsreports, the teacher of history in school, but to be skeptical regarding what God has said.
The answer is simple and obvious. What God tells us or is said to have told us, comes through messengers and channels which in appearance at least, leave a great deal to be desired, as immediately trustworthy. At all times, whether the report and information comes through purely human sources (and exclusively human matters) or whether the source is God Himself - it is proper and wise and necessary to examine the evidence (except on trivial matters or matters on no account). In one way or another one needs to ask (in one's mind at least): SHOW ME YOUR CREDENTIALS - that is if one wants to have good, true and proper knowledge. This should be obvious even if according to all appearances, God has spoken to us directly. Regarding appearances we have ample warning that the Prince of Darkness can present himself as AN ANGEL OF LIGHT, so that there needs to be DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS. *** [ I must admit to a problem in this, for scripture says 'You have not called Me, but I have called you". Thus there exists, at least at times, God within calling for an act of faith, so that SHOW ME YOUR CREDENTIALS, would be a rejection of God and His grace and His teaching. And so we must distinguish between teachings and information which comes through human channels, needing human integrity, scholarship and professionalism, so to do the duty imposed by God regarding the human part or element in the matters of belief and faith. For it is indeed true that Jesus combined the two, saying " Go teach all nations. He who believes ..."The power to teach is within human power alone (although it can be greatly helped by grace), but the power to believe (higher truth) requires both God's immediate grace (actual grace) and man's goodwill and response of belief. God would not expect belief unless all the conditions for believing existed. Refusal to believe, Jesus says, results in the ultimate punishment of eternal damnation. We must expect, and know most certainly that God would do no less then would a good man and would give many chances for belief. It seems however, that refusal might make each new chance more difficult or develop a blindness or hardness of heart. And yet the power of God's grace can never be completely blocked - from God's side. But when God expects a yes response or such a response is proper, then disobedience is a sin which always has some negative consequences both in nature and morally or in punishment otherwise.]***
This question in other words, is whether God has spoken to mankind in a formal and general sense. Personal and individual communication, if in fact such exists, is not the question, except as it pertains to what is meant to be taught or communicated to others. Has God spoken formally to mankind and if so how. Where does one look for the answer to this question, and then the follow up question is : WHAT DID HE SAY. [ It could very well be set forth and argued that if on really down deep desires the truth, it can be found. I have no doubt that this is true, and yet the obstacles to truth seems to have been multiplied in our times, to a degree unsurpassed in history.]
How does one approach this question in our world today? It is quite reasonable and logical to say that if God has indeed spoken and communicated information (truth, for everything from God must be true or be TRUTH) for mankind in general, then He must have set up the means for it to be known and known exactly. It must have been promulgated.
Let us reverse the approach to this question. Does anyone claim to have the answers? If no one at all puts forth such a claim that God has spoken or is speaking , then the problem seems unsolvable. On the other hand if many different sources make such a claim, then at least there exists the possibility that one or more is authentic. And so each person could begin their search. However, can this process be narrowed down. Are there any really reliable or out least 'stand out from the crowd' claimants. John Smith decides to find out.
A real thorough search by John for answers to the question of Divine Revelation, or God communicating with mankind, brings him to a hot lead. Not being impressed with the other long established religions, he is impressed with the strong claims and evidence of Christians or Christinaity, and decides to find the truth, one way or the other.
Investigating into actual historical accounts of the roots of Christianity and the person called Jesus Christ, leads John to the book which they place most confidence and hold to have great authority, and is called the Bible. But John wants hard fast evidence and not more false leads, or wishy washy replies. Can these writings be verified here and now and is this claimed source of Divine Revelation clearly continued through history and to the presemt? John decides to find out.
John finds the bible account very encouraging. It gives the picture that this person called Jesus came directly from heaven, well not quite. He finally sorts it out. He is indeed from heaven, for this special mission of something called redemption of the human race. However, an amazing thing has occurred. He decided to confer Divine information and teachings upon the hman race by becoming one of them. Well not quite for he was a higher being. Regardless, he became a man, by being born of a virgin. John finds this whole thing needing much study, but later. John at this time is more interested in the aspect of Divine Revelation and the certainty of the matter of God communicating. But Jesus also is a teacher and sets forth doctrines, quite new to the times. John realizes this is Divine Revelation, directly sent heaven from via a man or a God-man - amazing stuff to John. He must examine this later.
John above all wants the link to the present, to him and othere here and now. And so the bible account gives this very clearly. Jesus, while on earth called together a small group of men, fishermen and others, who He personally trained, in close quarters and finally conferred heavenly powers upon them and commissioned them in the matter of Divine Revelation. To complete the picture John finds that Jesus spent a good period of time personally teaching the crowds and telling them who he was. The son of God equal to the Father. This they found far fetched indeed, except that everytime he taught an otherwise unbelievable doctrine or teaching he workd amazing miracles. What greater proof did then need. What greater proof did John need, he reasoned. If the accounts were true and they could be confirmed in the present, then John knew his questions were about to be fully answered.
Continuing his exciting study and investigation, John find that the original group called together by Jesus were given great authority...
Seeking the connection to the present, John finds that the organization or Church called the Catholic Church does trace back to the apostles or the group organized by Jesus. They claim a direct connection, unbroken since (as it must be) by what they call Apostolic Succession. The power of the Holy Sprit, by the actual presence or indwelling of the same, has passed from bishop to bishop via a special power of consecration, itself given to the Church by Jesus.
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